3 Things You Must Know If Your Love Doll Breaks

The sex toys or the love dolls we use, wear out with time. Though the lifespan of the dolls improves with proper care and maintenance, few things are often not under our control. For example, one fine day, after having sex with your doll, you find out that the hip joint of the doll is not working or probably she got a deep cut while moving her from one place to another. Do not worry in such situations. As there is a solution to every problem, your doll can also be cured, keeping just a few things in mind.

Evaluate The Damage
First of all, upon noticing that your doll is injured or some of her body parts are not working, do not panic. Calm yourself and assess the damage. Inspect the type of damage, the cause behind the damage, the condition of the doll after damage, etc. and write everything on a piece of paper. When you start with the repair work, you will need this information in hand.

Repair The Doll
Once you have assessed the damage, it is time to get started with the repair work. You can either repair the doll yourself or get it repaired by the online store from where you have purchased it. This is applicable to all types of life size sex dolls that you may have. Some online stores will provide you with a repair kit. If you have got the same, there can be nothing better than that. Here you must note that if the damage is structural, you might have to replace or dispose of the doll. Using the doll with a structural damage can be dangerous for you. In case, the damage is cosmetic, you can get it repaired or continue using it if they do not bother you.

Try To Inspect The Doll’s Health Regularly
Checking your doll once in a while is not a solution to maintaining the proper health of your doll. You should try to inspect the doll’s health on a regular basis so that you can look for a solution as soon as you spot the flaw. If you do not repair the doll in time, the situation may worsen and the doll may become unsafe for use. The flaws which could have been repaired would become unmanageable if you delay too much. Here are some ways you can keep a check on your doll. Before purchasing a love doll, keep yourself updated with the following.

Check the sensitive parts of the sex doll and look for any signs of disrepair. Try to move the joints of the doll and check for any stiffness or dislocation. Try to smell the doll. If you find a foul smell, its time to repair the doll as soon as possible.


If a body part of your doll has dislocated or there is something wrong with the doll, in terms of her physical appearance (cosmetic) and structure, you must not haste to dispose her. Inspect her health everyday and upon recognizing the flaw, take immediate actions for care. Further, every person who is interested in buying trendy sex dolls should ensure that they do not involve in rough sex. Use a gentle approach to love the doll and your love will continue to love you for a longer period of time.

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